_______ .__ .__ .__ .__ \ \ ____ __ __ _______ |__|| | | | |__| ____ ____ / | \ _/ __ \ | | \\_ __ \| || | | | | | / _ \ / \ / | \\ ___/ | | / | | \/| || |__| |__| |( <_> )| | \ \____|__ / \___ >|____/ |__| |__||____/|____/|__| \____/ |___| / =========\/======\/=================================================\/== v0.01 27/AUG/2007 (C) Copyright 2007-2007 Scott D. Yelich SOME RIGHTS RESERVED .,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,. This is the "INSTALL" file for the Neurillion free web page generator "cs3web" v1 ( http://www.neurillion.com/p/46/static/code/v1/INTALL ) The software is released under Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 unported see: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode There is a Makefile in the src directory. Simply type "make" to compile the program. This software was developed on and test on SuSE linux 10.1 only. This program was developed and tested with Apache 2.0.5x. In order to use this program, the apache config needs the following set up: Example: v-------[ 8< CUT HERE ]------------------------------------------------- Alias /p/46/static/ /neurillion/www/p/46/static/ ScriptAlias /p/46/ /neurillion/www/exec/cs3web/ # ErrorDocument 404 /exec/wx AllowOverride none Order allow,deny Allow from all ^-------[ 8< CUT HERE ]------------------------------------------------- The idea is to redirect all references not going to a path containing "/static/" to the cs3web program so that it may generate the target page. Items like images, media and other large static data may be places under the /static/ path and do not need to be stored in the database. The program needs to be compiled and then placed in the ScriptAlias directory with permissions for the www daemon user id to execute it (usually just o+x). The database directory also needs to be set up and needs both the directory and the database file to be writeable by the userid executing the cs3web program. This is preferably done via o-xrwx, g+rwx on the dir and o-w, g+w on the file (ie: database) with a www group id. The directory write requirement is a requirement of sqlite3 for file locking. Scott